Mark’s Story (2:10): Audio Descriptive Transcript Audio descriptive text Title card with “Mark’s Story”. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Art card with “Mark, Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer Survivor”. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Photos of Mark in hospital room. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Photo of Mark with nurse during treatment. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Photo of Mark with family members. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Photo of Mark with family members. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. Photo of Mark with family members. Photos of Mark during recovery. Mark speaking to camera in his living room. The last screen shows “Find your road to recovery after cancer” with the url and the Departament of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logos. Video description Mark was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma at age 26. He went through multiple rounds of chemo. Mark shares his story of regaining mental and physical health after treatment, as well as the importance of building and using support systems.