Video Descriptive Text Why use U.S. Cancer Statistics? U.S. Cancer Statistics logo zooming in with the text displaying: U.S. Cancer Statistics are the official federal cancer statistics. Animation of a woman looking at maps, charts, and statistics with the text “They include cancer data on the entire U.S. population, so you can find out how cancer affects the nation and people in your state and county”. Animation of a woman looking at a chart that is entitled “Cancer Types” with the text “what type of cancer are increasing or decreasing,” below. States from a map of the United States showing up in groups with the word “Prevention” superimposed over it and the text “and where prevention efforts will have the biggest impact.” below. Animation rolling through numbers from 2 million up to 31 million with the text “With data from 1999 and more than 31 million cases,” below. Individual text blocks displaying: state health departments, cancer control planners, medical institutions, researchers. Text below the blocks displaying “many people use U.S. Cancer Statistics to measure progress, target programs, plan for medical services, and more.” Animation of a person holding a tablet device. The person selects a check icon and the device next shows an image with the header “Data Visualizations Tool” and an icon labeled maps. The person next selects an advance button and an icon labeled graphs appears. Text displaying: “The Data Visualizations tool is an easy way to explore the data and create graphs, maps, and tables”. Text displaying: “To learn more visit” Video Description U.S. Cancer Statistics are the official federal cancer statistics. Learn more about the features of U.S. Cancer Statistics and how you can use the data.