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Errata: Vol. 58, No. 6
In the report "Clostridium perfringens Infection Among Inmates at a County Jail --- Wisconsin, 2008," errors occurred on page 140 in Table 2. The corrected table follows. In addition, on page 138, the fourth sentence of the first paragraph should read, "This report summarizes the findings of an investigation by the Wisconsin Division of Public Health (WDPH) and the local health department, which determined the outbreak was caused by eating casserole containing ground turkey and beef (relative risk [RR] = 8.7) that was served during the evening meal on August 7." The first sentence of the fifth paragraph should read, "In a cohort analysis, among food and beverages reported consumed by the inmates, the strongest association with illness was eating casserole (RR = 8.7) at dinner on August 7 (Table 2)."