At a glance
CDC is funding the health departments in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to improve the reach, quality, effectiveness, and sustainability of asthma control services and to reduce asthma morbidity, mortality and disparities by implementing evidence-based strategies.
Since 2002, the Connecticut Asthma Program (CAP) has received funding from CDC to improve surveillance data, quality of asthma care, and to reduce healthcare utilization costs. Revision of evidence-based programmatic activities has led to improved services to address asthma disparities, linking families to supportive community and healthcare services. Working alongside partners, CAP promotes guidelines-based asthma management in schools and healthcare organizations, educates residents on the impact of indoor environmental triggers and on the impact of exposure to air pollution on asthma, and supports policies to improve access to affordable quality housing.
- Connecticut Department of Public Health
- Marie-Christine Bournaki, PhD, RN
- (860) 509-7255
- (860) 509-7730
- Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Ave, MS # 11 HLS
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
CAP's Putting on AIRS (Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies), known as POA, is a comprehensive home-based intervention focusing on asthma education and indoor asthma trigger reduction offered to families where a child has poorly controlled asthma. POA consists of three home visits and a 6-month follow-up call, implemented by local health department personnel (e.g., registered nurses, certified asthma educators, environmental education specialists, or community health workers [CHWs]) across six regions of the state. Upon completion of their participation in POA, almost 83% of participants improved on their Asthma Control Score, while 46% achieved a well-controlled score. In 2021, participating families reported taking measures to reduce asthma triggers in the home: 77.8% had decreased dust exposure, and 59% had mattress and pillow covers in place.
In 2019, CAP began a partnership with OneTouch, an electronic app that home visitors use to connect residents to services that promote healthy indoor air quality, prevent lead poisoning, and reduce home energy use. OneTouch is used in several states and is implemented in Hartford and Waterbury, Connecticut. Referral mechanisms have been developed for CAP's partners to direct participants who need assistance with energy efficiency, heating, and ventilation to these programs.
The enactment of Public Act 19-117 in January 2020 facilitated the certification of CHWs in Connecticut. To support local health department contractors in integrating CHWs into home-based asthma services, the CAP coordinated two spring 2021 trainings conducted by the Boston Public Health Commission: a four-day "Asthma Management & Asthma Home Visiting" training for CHWs and a 1.5-day "CHW Supervisor Asthma Training" for 12 CHW supervisors. The advanced asthma management training prepared 28 CHWs to conduct asthma home visits, provide advocacy, and link participants to supportive services (e.g., housing, transportation, or legal services).
CAP partnered with a digital marketing agency to conduct a media campaign for "Asthma Awareness Month" from May 1 through June 30, 2021. Asthma messages focused on asthma control and the importance of avoiding asthma triggers were disseminated in English and Spanish through music streaming services and digital advertisements on multiple websites. The asthma awareness campaign is estimated to have reached more than one million people throughout Connecticut.
What the data shows
15.5% of adults have ever been diagnosed with asthma
10.5% of adults were living with asthma
In 2020, 15.5% of adults had ever been diagnosed with asthma in their lives, and 10.5% were currently living with asthma.
17,400 ED visits
2,194 Hospitalizations
In 2019, there were 17,400 asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits and 2,194 hospitalizations.