NIOSH 50th Anniversary

At a glance

2021 marked the 50th anniversary of NIOSH. This page provides information and links to many of the ways NIOSH and partners observed this significant milestone.

Shows a large bold blue number 50 with gold banner underneath that says 1971-2021. The tag line "Science at work for people at work" is below that in blue.

History of workplace safety and health

Communication and outreach


Bibliography celebrates NIOSH's progress over the first 50 years.


Science Blog Series - over 50 blogs highlighting various aspects of NIOSH history.


Press Release

NIOSH Update: NIOSH Celebrates 50 Years

Social Media


Notable Milestones in NIOSH History 1971-2021


NIOSH created Wikipedia articles on the history of the U.S. Public Health Service and NIOSH:

Science seminar series

Looking Back: The Important Role of Science in Fulfilling the Occupational Safety and Health Act

Featured current and past NIOSH leaders discussing key scientific accomplishments during their tenure for the NIOSH 50th anniversary.

Behind the Science: Spotlight on NIOSH Field and Laboratory Research Webinar

Highlighted the following NIOSH research activities:

  • Mining-induced seismicity research.
  • Identifying the workplace hazard of inhaled butter flavoring vapors causing severe lung damage.
  • Respirator research and conformity assessment research to advance technology, ensuring first responders are equipped with appropriate chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protective respirators.

Quantifying and Understanding Impact: NIOSH Epidemiologic and Surveillance Activities

Highlighted the following NIOSH programs and activities:

  • Mortality studies of chronic disease
  • Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program
  • Coal Workers' Health Surveillance program
  • Indoor environmental quality investigations
  • State Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program activities

Spotlight on Intervention and Translational Research

Highlighted key intervention and translational research activities conducted by NIOSH researchers and extramurally funded partners.

Partner communication and outreach

Current and past partners highlighted their NIOSH successes and accomplishments resulting from collaborations. Below are just some of the ways our partners recognized this milestone and showcased their NIOSH partnerships.

Colorado School of Public Health, Center for Health, Work & Environment published a blog recognizing its various accomplishments in occupational safety and health and worker well-being through its NIOSH-funded Education and Research Center and Center of Excellence for Total Worker Health®.

Millersville University held an online event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its NIOSH funded Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Program. The program also recognized its partnership with NIOSH during this milestone event.

National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association published an article highlighting a few of the many collaborations with member companies and NIOSH on health and safety projects.

National Toxicology Program highlighted its common goals and collaborative research with NIOSH in the Environmental Factor newsletter.

Oregon Healthy Workforce Center hosted a podcast featuring NIOSH Director, Dr. John Howard. In the podcast Howard reflected back on the history of the institute and its important work and accomplishments.

Oregon State University captured its collaboration with the NIOSH Western States Division through a timeline. This university's partnership with NIOSH, which is focused on commercial fishing, has been ongoing for nearly a decade.

Southwest Ag Center recognized its long-standing partnership with NIOSH by highlighting its successes as a NIOSH grantee in its magazine and a timeline of its NIOSH-funded research in its newsletter.

Texas Education and Research Centers and Agricultural Center hosted the first annual Southwest Centers Occupational Health Research Symposium to recognize the NIOSH 50th.

Texas Public Health Association highlighted NIOSH's collaboration with the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler in its newsletter. Through the NIOSH Training Project Grant the university has trained many occupational medicine physicians for more than a decade.

University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center held the 2021 Pilot Research Project symposium. The meeting featured a special keynote panel by alumni who currently work at NIOSH and recognition of the NIOSH 50th anniversary through discussions on various topics like the future of occupational safety and health.

University of Iowa highlighted the decades-long partnership with NIOSH and its funded Centers in this article.

University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center highlighted the achievements in workplace violence work through its NIOSH partnership in this one-pager. Through varied NIOSH grants, the center has been able to address this issue, which is the third leading cause of U.S. on-the-job deaths.

University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler created a video to highlight the NIOSH 50th and its various accomplishments achieved through its partnerships with NIOSH.

West Virginia University Office of Research and Graduate Education hosted an "Afternoon of Science – NIOSH 50th Anniversary Celebration" that showcased the university's accomplishments through its various partnerships with NIOSH through grants and other collaborations.