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Permeation Calculator

DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2007-143C
Permeation Calculator V2.5.0 cover image

Updated August 2017

Data analysis for chemical protective clothing permeation testing involves a number of equations and experimental factors. Experimenter bias and possible calculation errors are critical issues when determining permeation parameters, including various breakthrough times, steady-state permeation rate, cumulative permeation, average permeation rate, etc.

Permeation Calculator, a Microsoft Windows compatible program, is a computer-based tool for automating the permeation testing data analysis. It works for both closed-loop and open-loop permeation testing. The program imports the data file collected during a permeation test and calculates the permeation parameters related to ASTM F 739, ASTM D 6978, and ISO 6529 standards based on a series of algorithms, strategies, and decision making. Upon completion, the program displays all of the calculated permeation parameters, the permeation curve, and other relevant information.

ASTM has adopted the Permeation Calculator as an industry standard (ASTM F2815-10 (Reapproved 2014)) “Standard practice for chemical permeation through protective clothing materials: testing data analysis by use of a computer program.” (

Permeation Calculator helps researchers and industrial hygienists avoid labor intensive hand calculations of the permeation parameters. The program also prevents inconsistency as a result of different experimenters. It ensures identical permeation parameters from a particular permeation test data file.

Note: Software may not be compatible with newer operating systems.

Permeation Calculator V.2.5.0 for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows Vista:

Permeation Calculator v2.5.0 Zip File, Operating Instructions, and Screen Shots:

  1. Download Permeation Calculator Version 2.5.0/
  2. Screen Shots of the Permeation Calculator Version 2.5.0 [PDF – 1.1MB]

Data Files for Practice:

Download Permeation Testing Data Files and Instructions with All Options Covered by ASTM F2815 Standard

Permeation Calculator V.3.0.0 for Windows and macOS:

Permeation Calculator V.3.0.0 is a cross-platform software and is tested on Windows 7, Windows 10, and macOS.

Permeation Calculator v3.0.0 Zip File:

  1. Download Permeation Calculator V.3.0.0 for Windows
  2. Download Permeation Calculator V.3.0.0 for macOS
  3. Screen Shots of the Permeation Calculator Version 3.0.0 [PDF – 850 KB]


Gao, P., Weise, T., and Tomasovic, B.: Development of a computer program for permeation testing data analysis. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 6(6): 363-373 (2009).

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Standard practice for chemical permeation through protective clothing materials: testing data analysis by use of a computer program (Method F2815-10 (Reapproved 2014)). Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials, 2014.

Any questions, contact us at [email protected].