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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) NOFO

Informational Call Script:
Informational Conference Call for CDC-RFA-DP24-0024: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Impact on Population Health

February 27, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST.
Call in (audio only)
404-718-3800, 224403364# United States, Atlanta
(888) 994-4478, 224403364# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 224 403 364#


Introductions: Dwayne Banks
Welcoming Remarks: Dr. Machell Town
General Overview of the NOFO: Dwayne Banks
Performance Measures: Chaity Naik
Application Content Highlights: Chaity Naik
Questions and Answers: Marquisette Glass-Lewis and Skyla Hall
Closing Remarks and Reminders: Dr. Machell Town

Introductions [Dwayne Banks]

Good afternoon, my name is Dwayne Banks. I am the team lead for the State and Program Coordination Team in the Population Health Surveillance Branch. Welcome to the informational call for the new Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS) Notice of Funding Opportunity or NOFO. The project officers on this team will provide programmatic oversight for the recipients of this award. During this call we will present information on the NOFO DP24-20023, which replaces the previous NOFO DP-20-2007. This is an informational call and because of time limitation we will not have a live, on camera interaction. The call is scheduled to last for an hour and one half. The first part of the call will consist of introduction, welcome, general overview of the NOFO, and application contents. We will have a brief statement on Submitting an Application and Budget Narrative Information. The last part of the call may allow a few minutes for questions and answers about this NOFO. We ask that you submit your questions in the chat feature and to hold all questions until the end of the call. If we do not get a chance to address your question in the chat feature, please submit those questions to the NOFO mailbox [email protected] and we will respond no later than 48 business hours after receipt of the email.

Today’s call will provide a high-level overview of the NOFO, including an outline of strategies, activities, and performance measures. In addition to myself, you will hear from the following presenters or speakers:

  • Dr. Machell Town, Branch Chief, PHSB
  • Chaity Naik, Project Officer
  • Marquisette Glass Lewis, Project Officer
  • Skyla Hall, Project Officer

Again, please hold your questions until the completion of the NOFO overview. I am now going to turn it over to Dr. Machell Town for an official welcome on behalf of the entire CDC BRFSS branch team.

Welcoming Remarks [Dr. Machell Town]

On behalf of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Division of Population Health, and the Population Health Surveillance Branch welcome to the informational session for the new BRFSS Notice of Funding Opportunity DP24-0023. We are excited about the release of this document and receiving funding to continue this valuable data collecting. We hope to provide you with enough information to help you decide on whether you will apply to partner with CDC to continue this work which will celebrate 40 years since the first BRFSS data was collected. We will now turn the call over to Dwayne Banks.

General Overview of NOFO [Dwayne Banks]

Let’s view the slides:

Thank you, Dr. Town, and again, welcome to you all and thank you for attending this informational call for the new BRFSS NOFO. The name of this NOFO is Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Impact on Population Health. The majority of the time you will hear it referred to as DP24-0023. This replaces the present BRFSS NOFO DP20-2007. This new NOFO does not, I repeat, does not, include Asthma Call Back as an optional component like previous iterations of the BRFSS NOFOs in the past.

Show Logic Model

Recipients will be expected to conduct the strategies and their related activities listed in the logic model included in the NOFO over the course of the 5-year period of performance. The Three strategies in the logic model include:

  1. Collect data and develop the plan
  2. Build community partnerships; and
  3. Conduct outreach and education.

Performance Measures and Evaluation Plan [Chaity Naik]

Let’s view the slides:
Throughout the 5-year cooperative agreement, CDC will collaborate with and support you in the development of a clear monitoring and evaluation plan. This plan will:

  • Include performance measures to evaluate program success and measurable impact
  • Be used to monitor the implementation of strategies and evaluate progress towards outcomes

The evaluation will focus on:

  • BRFSS data access
    • Has there been an increase in timely access and requests for dissemination in local jurisdictions and underrepresented communities?
  • Marketing and communication
    • Have BRFSS data-related communications and marketing campaigns increased in underrepresented communities?
    • Has this contributed to better access and use?
  • Partnerships
    • Have old and new partnerships improved communication and timely access to data in local jurisdictions?
    • Have partnerships strengthened communication and marketing campaigns in underrepresented communities?
    • Have partnerships in underrepresented communities increased access to timely data and requests for dissemination?

Application Content Highlights [Chaity Naik, Project Officer]

Let’s view the slides:

Submitting an Application and Budget Narrative Information
For information on how to apply, please refer to the NOFO, see Step 2: Get Ready to Apply.

Budget Submission: For information on creating your budget, please refer to the NOFO, see Step 3: Prepare Your Application, budget narrative. Also see budget information under “Funding policies and limitations”.

Once award selection is made, the Office of Grants Services will schedule calls with individual funded recipients for more detail budget discussions.

For specifics on how to submit your application and what to submit, please refer to the NOFO document section Step 5: Submit Your Application.

Questions and Answers [CDC BRFSS Team Members]

Attendees are asked to put any questions they may have in the chat feature. Any questions you did not get to ask or was not answered during this call can be sent to the NOFO email box [email protected].

Closing Remarks and Reminders [Dr. Machell Town, Branch Chief, PHSB]

On behalf of CDC’s Division of Population Health, Population Health Surveillance Branch, thank you for your interest and participation in today’s call.

Information Call:
February 27, 2024, 3:00pm Eastern time
Presentation Slides [PDF – 563 KB]

Letter of Intent Due Date:
March 1, 2024

Application Due Date:
April 15, 2024

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