Enhancing Reviews and Surveillance to Eliminate Maternal Mortality (CDC-RFA-DP24-0053)


Application period‎

Applications are due via www.grants.gov by 5/20/2024.

For questions, contact [email protected].

This page provides an overview and general information for those interested in applying for the 5-year notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) DP24-0053: Enhancing Reviews and Surveillance to Eliminate Maternal Mortality.

This NOFO supports agencies/organizations that coordinate/manage Maternal Mortality Review Committees (MMRCs) which identify, characterize, and disseminate information on pregnancy-related deaths and opportunities for prevention.

This NOFO aims to improve data quality to identify and characterize pregnancy-related deaths and addresses health inequities by supporting the capacity to develop and implement data-informed strategies to prevent pregnancy-related deaths and reduce disparities among disproportionately impacted populations.

Funded applicants are expected to increase timeliness, accuracy, and standardization of information available about pregnancy-related deaths, including documented opportunities for prevention; increase engagement and cooperation between MMRCs, partners, and communities to communicate information from data on pregnancy-related deaths; and increase the availability of recommendations from the MMRCs among communities, clinicians, and policy makers. Through these strategies, by the end of the project period, funded applicants are expected to increase the implementation of recommendations that reach or consider the needs of populations disproportionately affected by maternal mortality; and increase adoption of clinical and non-clinical policies and programs that reflect the highest standards of care.