Health Matters for Women Newsletter

What to know

CDC's Office of Women's Health monthly e-newsletter provides information on what is happening in women's health around CDC and other public health agencies. Sign up to receive Health Matters for Women e-newsletter monthly!

Illustration of woman throughout the life course.



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December Question of Month

Question: World AIDS Day, December 1 each year, is an opportunity to honor the more than 32 million people who have died worldwide from AIDS-related illnesses. In 2019, most new diagnoses of HIV in women were attributed to:

A. Heterosexual contact

B. Injection druge use

C. Other

Answer: A. Most (84%) new diagnoses of HIV among women were attributed to heterosexual contact (according to 2019 data). Injection drug use accounted for 16% of transmissions and less than 1% were attributable to other transmission methods.

Source: Fast Facts: HIV and Women | HIV | CDC